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    Eyelid Lift St. Louis

    Eyelids are thin folds of skin that protect the eye from debris, water, or other external forces. With few exceptions, the upper and lower lids are the thinnest areas of skin on the body. As such, they are very delicate structures and, over time, can lose elasticity or swell with fatty deposits. There are a number of factors that can contribute to wrinkled, drooping, or puffy eyelids. In extreme cases, patients may suffer from vision impairment due to decreased functionality.

    Whether due to aesthetic or medical concerns, patients can find a solution with blepharoplasty or an eyelid lift. The procedure not only improves visibility but can also rejuvenate the areas surrounding the eye.

    The procedure can address aesthetic concerns such as

    • Excess skin that obscures the natural fold of the upper eyelid, often referred to as “hooded”
    • Persistent puffy appearance around the upper eyelids, resulting in a constant “tired” look
    • Excess skin and fine lines around the lower lid
    • Persistent “bags” or dark pigmentation around the under-eye area
    • Lower lid “droopiness” or slight ptosis, exposing excess white of the eyeball below the iris

    What Does a Blepharoplasty Entail?

    Blepharoplasty is commonly referred to as an eyelid lift. The procedure can be performed on either the upper or lower regions. Some patients choose to target both. Upper blepharoplasty procedures can be done under local or general anesthesia according to patient preference. Each method of anesthesia ensures patient’s total comfort. All incisions are made in natural folds or creases around the eye so that, after proper healing, any scars will be well disguised and virtually invisible at a conversational distance.

    Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

    For the upper lid procedure, a small incision is made within the natural crease. From here, our surgeons, will remove excess skin. The procedure lasts between one and two hours and is completed in an outpatient surgery center.

    Before & After Blepharoplasty Photos
    Before & After Blepharoplasty Photos
    Before & After Blepharoplasty Photos
    Before & After Blepharoplasty Photos
    Before & After Blepharoplasty Photos

    View More Before and Afters

    Upper Blepharoplasty Procedure

    Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty

    There are a few things that can be addressed with a lower blepharoplasty: excess skin, lower lid bags (tear trough deformity), and lower lid hyperpigmentation (blepharomelasma or dark circles under the eyes). Depending on your needs, Dr. Hulsey can address each of these problems.

    If there is excess skin in the lower lid, a small incision would be made in a natural crease of the lower lid skin. If there is no excess skin, and only lower lids bags are being addressed, an incision can be made on the inside of the lid. Dr. Hulsey would then rearrange the orbital fat causing the lower lid bags, and blend it with the cheek, ultimately resulting in a smooth, more youthful contour.

    How Much Will Blepharoplasty Cost?

    Single procedures that address a single region (upper or lower), depending on the patient’s specific condition and aesthetic goals.  This estimate is based on operating room time used and includes surgeon’s fees, as well as hospital and anesthesia costs.

    • Upper (local anesthesia): $4,700
    • Upper (general anesthesia): $5,900
    • Lower: $6,500
    • Quad: $10,000

    What Can I Expect During Recovery?

    Most patients can return to work within 7 to 10 days following surgery. Heavily visual activities, such as reading, can be resumed within 2 to 3 days, but it is best to avoid strenuous activity for 4 weeks. Mild activities can be resumed after 2 weeks. Swelling and bruising should subside within 2 to 3 weeks. Dr. Hulsey advises that patients have a friend or family member stay with them for the first couple of days following surgery. Moderate swelling and bruising are to be expected immediately following the procedure. The rate of recovery will depend on the individual patient’s health prior to surgery and their commitment to following Dr. Hulsey’s post-op instructions.

    Am I a Candidate for Eyelid Surgery?

    The ideal candidate for this procedure is otherwise healthy with no life-threatening illnesses or medical conditions that would interfere with the surgery or impede proper healing. As with any invasive procedure, it is advised that patients avoid smoking prior to surgery. Dr. Hulsey can discuss a more definitive timeline for quitting during the initial consultation. Certain individuals concerned with the functionality of the eyelid may be candidates, but they cannot suffer from serious eye conditions. Patients should have an overall positive outlook with specific aesthetic goals outlined prior to the consultation. From these goals, our surgeons can determine whether or not eyelid surgery is the optimal solution. The face is comprised of intricate, closely connected systems and, as such, the appearance of a drooping lid can be caused due to issues stemming from the forehead, eyebrow, or the levator (one of the muscles in the upper lid region). During your personal consultation, Dr. Hulsey will assess your unique anatomy in order to determine underlying issues and create the ideal procedure plan.

    Are There Any Risks Involved With this Procedure?

    As with any invasive procedure, there are some risks of complication. General risks include:

    • Anesthesia risks
    • Standard swelling and hematoma (bruising)
    • Infection
    • Bleeding near the incision site
    • Difficulty opening or closing eyes
    • Ectropion or Entropion – a condition where the eyelid rolls outward or inward
    • Excessive dryness
    • Epiphora – excessive tearing
    • Light sensitivity
    • Temporary “lid lag” – pulling down of the lower eyelid
    • Temporary or permanent change in vision
    • Pain
    • Changes in skin sensation
    • Improper healing
    • Unfavorable scarring

    More severe complications may require a second revision surgery. Again, choosing a skilled plastic surgeon is the simplest way to significantly reduce your risk of complications. Dr. Hulsey will examine your medical history extensively in an attempt to increase the chances of an ideal outcome. Additionally, it is crucial that patients follow Dr. Hulsey’s instructions before and after surgery to promote proper healing and recovery. Dr. Hulsey will discuss these risks at length during your consultation to ensure that you are fully informed prior to surgery.

    Preparing for Your Consultation

    Before your consultation, gather pertinent information about your medical history, including:

    • Previous surgeries
    • Past and present medical conditions
    • Any current medications, either prescription or over-the-counter
    • Allergies that affect the eyes
    • Whether you wear contacts

    It is absolutely crucial that you be able to provide comprehensive medical information. Common disorders that may negatively affect the outcome of surgery include:

    • Chronic “dry eye” as diagnosed by an ophthalmologist
    • High blood pressure
    • Thyroid problems
    • Diabetes

    Also, come to your consultation ready to discuss your specific concerns and outline your aesthetic goals. From this information, our surgeons will be able to evaluate your candidacy for blepharoplasty and develop your personal procedure plan.

    Why Choose Dr. Hulsey?

    Dr. Angela Hulsey is a board-eligible female plastic surgeon in St. Louis who is committed to helping individuals achieve their own unique vision of beauty. With a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of plastic surgery, Dr. Hulsey combines her surgical skills with a compassionate approach to patient care, ensuring that each person’s journey toward enhanced beauty is both transformative and safe.

    Schedule Your Consultation

    If you’re interested in learning more about the eyelid lift procedure and how it can improve the aesthetic appearance of your eyes and rejuvenate the overall appearance of your face, schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Hulsey. Her professional staff in St. Louis will ensure that your experience is enjoyable, from beginning to end. To schedule your consultation, call 314-966-8880. To see the results of eyelid lifts surgery for yourself, click the link below.

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