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    Juvederm Vollure in St. Louis

    Conveniently located to serve St. Louis

    VollureJuvederm Vollure™ XC for laugh lines and marionette lines is a new Hyaluronic Gel filler in the Juvederm family. Clinical tests showed up to 18 months longevity. Vollure for moderate to severe lines in the mid face:

    • Laugh Lines (Parentheses lines)
    • Marionette Lines
    • Horizontal Chin Lines

    How much does Juvederm Volllure Injection cost?

    Receive a Juvederm injection for $600

    Parentheses lines are static lines that appear around your nose and mouth when your face is at rest. This happens over time as your skin loses some of the building blocks (hyaluronic acid and collagen) that give the skin its structure.